Friday 19 December 2008

Display Energy Certificate

Display Energy Certificate. The school now has an 'A' rating.

But what does it all mean?

The Operational Rating is a numerical indicator of the actual annual carbon dioxide emissions from the building. This Rating is shown on a scale from A to G, where A is the lowest (best) and G is the highest (worst). Also shown are the Operational Ratings for the last two years; this provides information on whether the energy performance of the building is improving or not.

So according to this measurement Bishop Challoner Catholic Collegiate School has the lowest (best) rating for annual carbon dioxide emissions from the building.

'A' rating for energy usage

We have just learnt that we have been awarded 'A' grade for energy usage. This is part of the governments new legislation that every public buliding should have a certificate stating energy efficiency.

Display Energy Certificates

'Display Energy Certificates (DECs) show the actual energy usage of a building, the Operational Rating, and help the public see the energy efficiency of a building. This is based on the energy consumption of the building as recorded by gas, electricity and other meters. The DEC should be clearly displayed at all times and clearly visible to the public. A DEC is always accompanied by an Advisory Report that lists cost effective measures to improve the energy rating of the building.'